Random thought that's been nagging at me this week.
I had the great joy of listening the Rodney Sutherland speak at the Ring, which is a truly great worship service on Sunday nights here in Baton Rouge. Rodney did something that we don't often do anymore and that is offer an invitation of sorts. I don't know if it was necessarily a "come down to the front" deal but more of a reminder that if you don't personally know Christ or have that relationship then there are people here who want to pray with you and for you. For some reason that hit me like a ton of bricks. I don't know if the ring is "emergent" or not but I definitely know we're pretty contemporary in the way we "do" things. Sorry for all the quotation marks. Maybe it's not the ring, maybe it's me. I've been a Christian for just over 9 years now and had claimed to be a Christian for several years before that. I think I've gotten too comfortable in my role as a friend. I was going to say that I had gotten too comfortable in my role as an encourager and source of help to those friends who are mature in their walks but I then realized that I don't do that very often. I'm the guy who'll say anything for a laugh. We all have that friend. Shoot, a lot of us
are that friend. That's not your cue to comment and say, No Jake, you're great or try and compliment me some other way. I don't know, I just have forgotten what it is to hunger for people to know Christ. Maybe I never had that hunger. Maybe I just got Him myself and then figured all was good. I know I hunger for my daughter to know Him but even then I know that will take some time as her only words as of now are No, Kiss, Hug, Daddy, Mommy, Josh, Titecca, Bink(meaning Meg), Uncle To, Ro, T, puppy, fish, Pee-Pee, and Poo-Poo.
I think I want that hunger. Some people would say "Jake, it's okay, we're not all called to be evangelical" which in a sense I can understand what they're saying but in another, realize that that's total horse crap. Just because our churches change the style that they have or maybe that I've fallen into a group of really great strong Christians, doesn't mean that I should sit back and wait for people to accept Christ so I can be their friend then. Jared, remind me next week, when I've forgotten I feel this way, to feel this way again. Thanks.
If you'd like for Addy to learn either your name and or any other words(please no cursing) then please send a self addressed envelope and a list of the words requested. We hold not guarntee of pronunciation or spelling. Just ask Bink!
Long on Diagnosis, short on cure.