Set adrift on Memory Bliss of Jake

Monday, March 12, 2007

Just a warning, I haven't been real dedicated to this whole blogging deal so we'll see how this "revival" goes.

I felt led to post about this song we sang the other night in church. I've read an "anti-post" to this exact song from a friend's blog. This is in no way meant to be a point-counterpoint deal. I just really love the song. It's one of my favorites and I wanted to take a sec to tell you why.

The song is titled "At Your Feet" and the lyrics go something like this:

Jesus, be my portion
Jesus, be my king
Lover of souls I am giving you all I have
Because I know all that I need
I will find at Your feet.

I look up a lot of words. Portion:
Main Entry:
Middle English porcioun, from Anglo-French, from Latin portion-, portio; akin to Latin part-, pars part
14th century
1: an individual's part or share of something: as a: a share received by gift or inheritance b: dowry
c: enough food especially of one kind to serve one person at one meal
2: an individual's lot, fate, or fortune :
one's share of good and evil
3: an often limited part of a whole

Now I can't speak on my friend's behalf but if I understand it right, I think the issue with the song comes along with the #3 definition. It's as if the song limits Christ and his influence with life and that's just not good enough. I agree in that perspective.

The reason I like it doesn't really fall under any of the "proper" definitions. I go through my day filling my plate, if you will, with so many things that I think I need. I want Christ to be my portion. I want him to be all that I need and all that I want. I live life right now and I give him let's say 2%. I then go about my day looking at my job, my wife, my children, my friends, my boss, my church, my family and myself to fill whatever void is left. Actually myself takes up a good 90%. That leaves all those other important things about 8%. These are round numbers mind you, I didn't want to bore you with the break down. In thinking about this song, it leads me to another based on the Bible verse that says:

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you, Hallelujah. Actually, it's Ah layay lou ah lay lou ya but you probably get the drift. I don't have to dig too deep to KNOW that this is true. That if I seek Him first, that if He is my portion, then the rest of my important list will take care of itself.

I work out hard for an hour and a half three times a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but usually it's 3 times a week. In reality I should be in amazing shape. I'm not. It's because I eat like a velociraptor. I don't control the amount that I eat. Portion size is a joke. Somewhere along the line I learned the joy of a "happy" plate. Why order it or put it on your plate if you're not going to eat it? Okay, I know I'm chasing a rabbit here, but that's my idea of portion. I want Jesus to be my huge-everything-on-my-plate portion. I want every bit of him and I don't want to hunger for anything else. I agree that we may never be "satisfied" and always want more of Him but that's all I want to want, Him and nothing else.

That's why I like the song.


At 10:35 PM, Blogger ann said...

welcome back, jake! i want to make a happy plate with Jesus too!!! i love your perspective, the lens that you view this song through. thanks for taking the time to share your heart and your thoughts... after i got over my rant, i realized that His sufficiency is what that song is about, not how He distributes Himself... does that make sense?

i just rolled back into town and was catching up on all my peeps - i heard from a little bird that you are headed to S.C.

i deeply admire your courage and willingness to say, "yes and amen" to Jesus, going wherever He calls you. i am challenged and spurred onwards and upwards by your life. thank you for that.

much love, friend.


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