I've heard the sentiment tossed around the body of the ring lately about how everybody seems to be suffering. Let me generalize the fact that I believe geralizations are cyclical.
My friend Mr. Meriam Webster defines "generalize", ironically, as this: 1 : to form generalizations; also : to make vague or indefinite statements 2 : to spread or extend throughout the body
Several weeks ago now, a large portion of the body of the ring went on the BCM trip to Mexico. I was talking with a friend a week or so after they returned and he said to me, "Man, isn't it great, It seems like everybody is doing so well. I mean, everybody I know is doing really really well."
And now, probably only just 6 weeks later, we're all suffering. I promise you I've heard it from 10 different people. Why is that? Please don't read this as any doubt that people are suffering. I've got one friend that seems to be getting hit on all sides. Several of my closest friends in this wide world have no idea what to do in regard to a job that they no longer have.
BUT I HATE GENERALIZATIONS. okay, maybe I don't hate them enough to not try and use them when I fight with my wife but they usually backfire and so yeah, I hate generalizations. (sidenote........the pharse " You never......!" loudly followed by pretty much anything is not a good negotiating tactic during a fight, trust me.)
I know misery loves company. I guess it's just that when I've been low, I'm not thankful for that person who comes along and tries to prove that their lower. I'm thankful for those who grieve with me while encouraging, while pulling me out or pointing me to Him that pulls me out. There's a Josh Groban song in there somewhere but I digress.
I get low, trust me, but you know, not everybody is suffering. Rebecca Lusk, pregnant, doing wonderfully. Ashley Ballard, pregnant, doing wonderfully. Cullen & Ann, Jon & Blair, Krystal & Jeremy, David & Becky, all soon to be married in the next short couple of months. People with new exciting jobs, graduations, babies, calls to the mission field, calls to ministry, it's all here.
This comes from me, a man who is full of worry and fear at the moment of writing this. I face a potential problem this afternoon. Did you read that - "potential". It's not even real and I've begun to worry about it. So this morning I sought some comfort from the scripture. I am anxious so I knew exactly where I wanted to go and still I find that He teaches me things I've never known. I go to a site called when i want to dig deeper into the language of the Bible. Here is what I found for the writings of Andrew Clarke in regard to Philipians 4:6. Clarke's context is in green, mine still in black.
Verse 6. Be careful for nothing] mhden merimnate? Be not anxiously solicitous; do not give place to carking(Annoying or burdensome) care, let what will occur; for anxiety cannot chance the state or condition of any thing from bad to good, but will infallibly injure your own souls.
By prayer and supplication] God alone can help you; he is disposed to do it, but you must ask by prayer and supplication; without this he has not promised to help you.
By prayer - solemn application to God from a sense of want.
Supplication - continuance in earnest prayer. With thanksgiving, for innumerable favours already received; and for dangers, evils, and deaths turned aside. And let your souls be found in this exercise, or in the disposition in which this exercise can be performed, at all times, on all occasions, and in all places.
That supplication commentary really hits home with me. Because, when I suffer, I hit prayer hard and I throw supplication right out the window. Just thinking about the blessings I've been given and the things I don't even know about that have been withheld, Grace and Mercy, It's so very humbling.
This may or may not encourage you today. Like I said earlier, a couple of friends, they've been hit so hard for so long, that supplication is getting harder and harder to grab hold of. I'm praying for you, I promise.
I'll let you know how today went.