I don't really know how to ask this question without offending some people but I'm not sure how to ask it with the same fervor unless I use this wording.
Who, to you, just really sings their balls off? Don't disregard the question if your answer is a girl. You know what I mean. I mean, who to you, just leaves it on the stage.
I've listened to several worship leaders in my life--Josh Causey, Amber Bowen, Becky Lloyd, Joe Causey and now Mitch Shoemaker. These are the people who I have personnally witnessed having given their all on the stage. It might be more evident with worship music because people are so passionate about the subject but that might not be true because I think of Kelly Clarkson when I ask the question. I like to think that I'm the typical man's man when it come to life and have to admit that I'm a little embarrassed to liking Kelly Clarkson but she really epitomizes the answer to my question. That women sings her guts out.
I don't mean to disrespect anybody but it seems cooler to me to listen to someone get up and give it their all and maybe not be the best musically rather than someone like a mariah carey or a celine dion who get up and make it look almost effortless. Now I'm really embarrassed. I've droned on and on about kelly clarkson, mariah carey and celine dion and I think I've derailed. Tell me what you think or sit and simmer on what I think. either way, I'll talk to you later.
Nikki Foster and Tori Sherer at any given Ring Ladies' Night are up there in that category. It was one of those things where they completely got lost and just worshipped God with all their heart... which in turn of course, just pulled everyone else in with them.
And Prince in concert. He sings his "heart out."
Ummm, Meg, that's not his heart. Are you referring to the heart shaped thing in those yellow pants that time? THAT WAS HIS BUTT!!
I have never had the pleasure of hearing Tori but everyone says she's amazing. I'm extremely embarrassed to have left nikki off the list. She definitely epitomizes what I'm talking about.
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